Perpustakaan Ibnul Qoyyim Putra

Perpustakaan Ibnul Qoyyim Putra
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Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Community of Ibnul Qoyyim's Debaters

 Based on keeping Ibnul Qoyyim debate activity, a good idea comes up. Build a forum or community to the debaters to share each other, to train their skill of debate, to keep Ibnul Qoyyim's debater still alive is good point that's made. So, Ibnul Qoyyim's Debaters Founding Father would like to make community which is named by "Community of Ibnul Qoyyim's Debaters".

So, announced to all of Debaters or Students of Ibnul Qoyyim who interest in debate to join this community. It's free, just prepare yourself, prepare your arguments, and have fun :) . But, the committee is still built. But after that CID will have many programs to do to tell the world that Ibnul Qoyyim has debaters and it isn't nonsense.

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