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So, read it and find it out!! :D

Selasa, 20 November 2012

Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa merupakan unsur penting bagi tiap individu yang hidup diatas bumi. Karena tanpa bahasa tidak terdapat suatu komunikasi diantara individu atau bangsa-bangsa di dunia.
Apa unsur penting dalam komunikasi ? adalah kalimat unsur utama dalam komunikasi, karena menyatakan idea atau perasaan seseorang.
Jenis kalimat yang universal:
Kalimat perintah (command) => Go !
Kalimat berita (statement) => Mother is going to the market
Kalimat Tanya (question) => Are you going to Bali ?
Kalimat seru(exclamation) => Good morning !
Bagaimana peran kalimat ? perannya adalah menyampaikan suatu idea atau perasaan seseorang yang dirangkai dengan kalimat lain dan membentuk sebuah cerita yang terdiri atas alinea.
Contoh sebuah alinea dalam bahasa Inggris:
          Advanced ability in reading English as a foreign language requires improvement in reading speed, Vocabulary recognition and the comprehension of sentences, paragraph, and complete reading selections. These are not exclusive needs of the foreign learner of English, of course; they are  the skills that native speakers must develop in order to become efficient readers.
Komponen yang menggabungkan kata-kata dan kalimat terdapat micro structure yang mencakup unit struktur didalam kalimat . Komponen pertama => KATA, komponen kedua =>KERUMITAN SINTAKSIS dan komponen ketiga => BENTUK KATA (KATA KERJA, KATA-KATA berfungsi sebagai SUBYEK,KATA SIFAT)
Komponen macro structure =>komponen yang menggabungkan kalimat dan menyusun sebuah cerita yang kemudian menjadi satu unit kesatuan.
Pengetahuan tentang analisis kalimat akan membantu mahasiswa dalam mempercepat tingkat ketrampilan membaca dengan demikian mahasiswa dapat mengatasi kesukaran membaca buku ilmiah (textbook) dan journal ilmiah.
Diagram 1.  SIMPLE SENTENCE consisting of one clause

S                 V                 O                A                          C
                                                      Keterangan waktu     Pelengkap    
          S                 V                                                         I cried
          S                 V                 A                          He went to solo
          S                 V                 C                           I  am student
          S                 V                 O                          He sent a card
          S                 V                 Oi                Od     Ali sent me a card
                                                                             Ali sent a card to me
          S                 V                 O                C       He made me rich
          S                 V                 O                A       Rita saw him last night
Oi => indirect object
Od => direct object
Bahwa sebuah kalimat sederhana (simple sentence) membentuk satu klausa mempunyai unsur-unsur S, V, A/O/C.
Sedangkan Oi dan Od tidak selalu ditempatkan menurut pola kalimat apabila dimulai dengan kata penyangkal not.
          Never have I seen such a naughty boy. Never (not ever)
          Not only did her beat, but he also ……
Contoh kalimat dimulai dengan kata keterangan, dimana kalimat tersebut terdapat suatu inversi (inversion) dengan unsure V dan S :
          Near the door lay a dog
Bagaimana bentuk kalimat Tanya (question ?)
Kalimat tersbut mempunyai urutan unsure Vi, S, V => V1= auxiliary (KKB)
          Will you play ?  => will = V1  ; you = S and play = V
Dalam kalimat Tanya sering ada kata-kata : WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, HOW => sebagai kata yg memulai kalimat tsb.
          What do you buy ?
          When will you play golf ?
          Why are you crying ?
          Where did you put the book ?
          How will you solve the problem ?
Penggunaan kata WHO and WHICH yang dipakai dalam kalimat Tanya berfungsi sebagai S or O.
Apabila WHO/WHICH  => S dalam kalimat Tanya maka penggunaan kata kerja sbb:
          Who taught you English ?
          Which comes first ?
Kata WHO/WHICH sebagai O mempunyai kalimat Tanya seperti biasa: V1, S, V.
          Whom did you teach English ?
          Which did you choose ?
Assignment for student.(03.10.2012)
Curriculum Vitae
Name                  :
Sex                       :
Place of Birth      :
Date of Birth       :
Marital Status     :
Nationality          :
Occupation         :
Office                  :
Residence           :
Education            :
Hobbies               :
Other Experience:

Active tenses: (some of examples(2)
Present : simple, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous
He works (PS); He is working (PC); He has worked (PP);He has been working(PPC)
Past : simple, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous
He worked(PaS);He was working(PaC);He had worked(PaP);He had been working(PPC).
Future : simple, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous
He will work (FS);He will be working(FC);He will have worked(FP);He will have been working (FPC)                                                                                                                
Present conditional and present conditional continuous
He would work (PCond); He would be working (PCond.Cont)
Perfect conditional and perfect conditional continuous
He would have worked (Per.Cond); He would has been working(PCC)

Pertemuan 3
                                  V1                       S                     V

Golf ?
golf ?
golf ?
golf ?
golf ?
golf ?


Did (V1)
You (S)
Plays (V)
Meet ? (V)
Choose ?
Golf ?(O)
Yours ?

Kalimat perintah dalam bahasa Inggris (command):
          Go !      
          Don’t go !
Kalimat seru (exclamation) => kumpulan kata yang menyatakan isi hati atau emosi; dalam hal ini unsure V tidak digunakan.
          Hello dear !   atau   What a lovely day !
Apabila unsure V digunakan maka urutan unsure kalimat sederhana, S, V.
          How beautiful you are !
          How old you are !

COMMAND                                                                GO !
EXCLAMATION                              How beautiful      you       are  !
                                                        How nice              you       are  !

Klausa memiliki unsur : S, V,/O/A/C atau S, V dengan kombinasi OS/Oc/OO.
Dalam menyusun sebuah cerita terdapat kalimat-kalimat yang dihubungkan menjadi sebuah alinea (paragraph).
Pembentukan kalimat terdiri atas kalimat sederhana atau kalimat kompleks (complex sentence or compound sentence).
Compound sentence terdiri atas dua kalimat yang digabung dengan kata sandang (conjunction) : ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’.
The boys ran away.          He child stopped crying.
          The boy ran away and the child stopped crying
          He is a millionaire.       He is very stingy.
          He is a millionaire but he is very stingy




1 MAIN CLAUSE                     CONJUNCTION                      1 MAIN CLAUSE
The boys ran away                          and             The child stopped crying

Main clause => klausa yang dapat berdiri sendiri dan memberikan pengertian penuh.
Dalam bentuk COMPLEX SENTENCE terdiri atas 2 clauses dimana salah satu clause merupakan SUB clause karena pengertian belum sempurna.

          The kitchen was on fire.                 I came home.
          The kitchen was on fire when I came home

          He could not come.                   He was ill.
          He could not come because he was ill

Pertemuan 4


2 clauses

SUB CLAUSE                                                                           CLAUSE

The kitchen was on fire               when                   I came home

When I came home                                         The kitchen was on fire

Sub clause dikenal juga sebagai ADVERBIAL clause atau sub-ordinate clause.

Bentuk clause lain adalah; NOUN CLAUSE => berfungsi sebagai S, O, C dalam kalimat.
Contoh : noun clause
          What he said                is                 not true
                 S                              V                          C
          This                                is                 what frequently occurs
            S                                  V                          C
          He                        explained            that the world is a sphere
          S                                    V                          O

Klausa yang lain => ADJECTIVE CLAUSE digunakan untuk memperluas kata dan ditempatkan setelah benda. Klausa dapat sebagai S, C, O.
Kata yang khusus menunjukan adjective clause :WHO. WHOM, WHOSE, THAT, WHICH, WHEN, WHERE.
WHICH dan THAT => merujuk kata benda (noun)
WHO, WHOM, WHOSE => merujuk pada orang
WHERE => merujuk pada tempat          WHEN  => merujuk pada waktu
          The boy               who came here last night is a student
          The boy               whose bike was stolen is a student
          The boy               whom I gave a special reward is a clever student
          The boy               that came here last night is a student
          The radio             which I bought last year is out of order
          This is the place where I was born
          The time              when the industrial revolution began was
                                      In the seventeenth century.

Jadi clause adverbial juga disebut sub/subordinat clause merupakan
klusa dalam kalimat COMPLEX.
          He failed in his examination, although he had studied hard.
         He could not come to the birthday party, because his mother was Seriously wounded.
          The student worked so hard, that he lost his eyesight.
Diagram 6. CLAUSE

Jenis klausa
Jenis kalimat
Kata-kata khusus

PHRASE => kumpulan kata yang memberikan suatu pengertian/ide
Dalam phrase tidak akan dijumpai unsure S atau V, O, A, C.
Phrase dapat berfungsi sebagai S atau V, A, O, C.
Contoh sebuah phrase:
·       The boys in the street(S)  might have been playing(V)   football(O)Since six o’clock in the morning(A)
·       One result of the rapid expansion of scientific knowledge (V) was(V) an increase in the number of engineering specialities (C)
·       No one(S) can say(V) for sure(A) when a large meteor(S) will fall(V) to the ground(A) and become(V) a meteorite(C)




Contoh Perluasan kata:
Proses I         =>The lazy, dirty, tall boy is a student
Proses II       => The boy in the blue shirt is a student
Proses III      => The lazy, dirty, tall boy in the blue shirt is a student

Pro ses IV     => The boy who came here last night is a student
                                            (S)     (V)              (A)
Proses V      => The lazy, dirty, tall boy who came here last night
                            Is a student

Diagram 8: VERBALS
Diagram 9 : JENIS KATA
Personal Pronoun
Possessive pronoun
Personal Pronoun
Possessive pronoun
Personal Pronoun
Possessive pronoun
A station which generates electricity and which is powered by diesel engines.
=>stasiun pembangkit tenaga listrik yang dibangkitkan dengan disel (mesin disel).

Pertemuan 5

Setelah menguasai pola kalimat dengan proses perluasan kata dan ellipsis, maka untuk mengerti isi kalimat yang rumit dalam textbook, analisis kalimat harus dikuasai agar mengutarakan isi kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan cepat dan tepat.
At the height of the summer, the temperature is suitable for germination, but there is like-hood of an absence of sufficient moisture
At the height of the summer => frasa menyatakan sebuah keterangan waktu
the temperature is suitable for germination=> main clause
but => conjunction
there is like-hood of an absence of sufficient moisture=> main clause
Klausa pertama dianalisis:
The temperature = S; is = V; suitable for germination = C
Unsur klausa kedua:
There = S; is = V; like-hood of an absence of sufficient moisture = C

2.Cara menterjemahkan
          Setelah pengelompokan frasa, maka pengertian frasa termasuk kata dapat dicari dalam kamus umum dan kamus teknik bahasa Indonesia. Bila di dalam kamus tidak terdapat kata sepadannya, maka dicari di dalam kamus bahasa Inggris, mungkin sinonim.
Contoh: He kicked the bucket => tidak dapat diterjemahkan karena ungkapan =>mempunyai perngertian to die.

Fill dams(S) are(V) usually(A) employed(V) in valleys(A) which(S) are not particularly(A) steep sided(V), and when the foundation(S) can not support(V) the higher pressure arising from concrete dams. (o) 

Cara analisis and menterjemahkan:
·       Fill dams/ are usually employed/ in valleys/ which are not particularly steep sided/ and when the foundation/ can not support/ the higher pressure/ arising from concrete dams.
·       Filldams=bendungan urugan; are usually employed=biasanya dikerjakan; in valleys=dalam lembah; which are not particularly steep sided=yang khusus tidak curam; and when the foundation=dan apabila fondasi; can not support=tidak dapat menahan; the higher pressure=tekanan yang lebih tinggi; arising from concrete dams=yang ditimbulkan oleh bendungan beton.
=>Bendungan urugan biasanya dapat dibangun di lembah yang khususnya tidak curam apabila pondasi tidak dapat menahan tekanan yang lebih tinggi yang ditimbulkan oleh bendungan beton.

·       For abutments and pier and also beams, an arrangement of steel wires and rods is encased in concrete, to make reinforced concrete.
Cara analisis and terjemahan

·       For abutments/ and pier and also beams/, an arrangement of steel wires and rods/ is encased /in concrete/, to make/ reinforced concrete.
·       For abutments=untuk tumpuan dinding; and pier and also beams=dan tiang dan juga balok; an arrangement of steel wires and rods=suatu susunan kawat dan tulang baja; is encased=ditutupi; in concrete=dengan beton; to make=untuk membuat; reinforced concrete=beton.
Untuk tumpuan dinding, tiang ataupun balok dibuat beton baja dengan suatu susunan kawat dan tulang baja yang ditutupi beton.

Exercise 1., Analisis dan terjemahkan artikel berikut ini:

          Detailed pre-planning/ is/ a little publicized aspect of engineering/ that grows/ more important/ every year/. Projects/ become more ambitious/ in scale and speed/, and the cost of disorganization and delay/ become heavier/. Whether the job/ is / a nuclear power station,/ an airport or a motorway,/ the great number and variety of tasks/ undertaken/ to complete the whole,/ and the labor and machinery/ to accomplish them,/ have to be arranged/ to an elaborate timetable./ A delay/ in the effect/ as a strike/ and leave/ men and machines idle/ in places far removed/ from the site of the trouble./
          Civil engineers/ far more than others,/ are at the mercy of the weather./ This is/ the most difficult single problem/ in planning/ but also makes planning/ all the worthwhile./ The plan/ must not be inflexible laid down/ in advance and followed regardless./ It has to be more/ like the plan/ for a military operation, which can be modified/ in view of intelligence reports/ so that setbacks/ can be minimized/ and unforeseen opportunities exploited./
Exercise 2. Terjemahkan dan analisis artikel berikut ini:
          Seorang ahli fisika logam yang telah mendapatkan kepercayaan dari seorang pengusaha untuk memecahkan masalah yang timbul mendadak, walaupun masalah itu mungkin merupakan pengorbanan pekerjaan dasar mengenai sifat logam dan campuran yang menyeluruh, sekarang akan meninggalkan jabatan sebagai ahli fisika logam, walaupun pendidikannya tidak sesuai dengan perkerjaan yang baru.

Kelompok kata/phrase untuk terjemahan
The physical metallurgist,/ who has long been relied upon/ by the industrialist/ to solve immediate problems/  even though/ it may have been/ at the expense/ of the fundamental work/ on the understanding/ of the overall behavior of metals and alloys,/ is now tempted to desert/ to the ranks/ of the metal physicist,/ although/ his training/ equips him ill/ for the new occupation./
          Bagaimanapun juga, bagi seorang ahli fisika, ilmu pengetahuan fisika logam hanya merupakan cabang kecil dari bidang yang lebih luas dari ilmu pengetahuan fisika benda padat, sedangkan bagi seorang ahli logam adalah dasar yang harus mendasari pengertian sifat logam apabila ia harus menjadi pelopor dari pengembangan industry baru dan tidak dapat dibayangkan sampai sekarang.
Kelompok kata/phrase untuk terjemahan
After all, to the physicist, metal physics is but a small branch of the wider fields of solid state physics, whereas to that metallurgist it is the foundation on which his understanding of the behavior of metals must be based if he is to become the pioneer of new and hitherto unimagined industrial developments.

Pertyemuan ke 7 (Reading skill)
          Catalytic cracking of gas oil is accomplished over hot micro-spherical particles of silica alumina catalyst. The catalyst activity rapidly drops with the deposition of carbon, and spent catalyst continuously flows out of the bottom of the reactor.
          There are many catalytic reforming processes available today for the octane upgrading and sulphur reduction of napthas. The production of aromatics is a feature of most. Platinum, moblybdenum, chromium oxides and other catalysts are employed in fixed, moving of fluidized beds.
The recycle of produced hydrogen at high pressures prevents olefin and diolefin formation and constitutes a highly effective form of chemical treating. All the process embody a heater followed by the catalyst chambers with the facilities for continuous or intermittent regeneration. The final product is isolated from a fractionation stage. Recycle hydrogen is scrubbed to remove hydrogen  sulphide, from which sulphur or sulphric acid is manufactured by oxidation in a limited current of air.
A.   Make analysis of the sentence of the article and translated according to existing rules.
B.   In not more than 100 words describe some of small industry namely; from material, process and product. Do not write more than three paragraphs.

(Reading Skills and Vocab)
Advantages of Pineapple Leaf Fiber

          In developing countries. There is a different approach to deal with organic waste. In fact, the word “waste” is often an inappropriate term for organic matter, which is often put to good use. The economies of most developing countries dictates that materials and resources must be used to their full potential, and this has propagated a culture of reuse, repair and recycling. In many developing countries there exists a whole sector of recyclers, scavengers and collectors, whose business is to salvage ‘waste’ material and reclaim it for further use. 
In Indonesia, at least 150 jam and juice industry exist, 123 industries are involved in processing. One of the commonly used fruits Pineapple. From each pineapple fruit, only 52% is used for jam and juice production. Remaining 48% consist of fruit peel and leaves forming the waste. These waste are rich in lignin and cellulose and thus from a very good raw material for allied fibers. Also, waste disposal is a major problem in these industries because of very high lignin and cellulose content of the waste leaves which is difficult to be degraded, thus resulting in pollution and affecting the environment.The available, traditional methods of fiber extraction involve the processes viz; retting, decortications, combing etc., which takes 5 – 7 days. During decortications, it is difficult to extract the fibers as they are sticky, due to the presence of pith thus necessasiating the use of chemicals which is not eco-safe. Thus, there is an urgent need  for development of eco-friendly, cost effective technology.
          There are different approaches to recycle the pineapple leaf wastes and  substitutes for cotton and artificial fiber production without harming the environment with the following objectives.To produce silky white fiber from pineapple waste using biotechnological approach.
To compare the biotechnologically produce fibers with the commercially available/natural fibers for its qualities.To curtail the disposal problems of pineapple processing industrial waste.
a.     Vocabulary:Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: Available (   ); traditional (   ); extraction (     ); viz (      ); urgent (     ); harming (          ); cost effective (      ); curtail (      ); blending (   ); rapid (       ); Silky (  ); disposal (    ); substitutes (  ); artificial (   ); commercially(   ); approach (   ).

b.    Make analysis of the sentence of the article and translated according to existing rules.

Businesspeople state ready to claim the State-owned Electricity Company concerning the plan of 80% increase of electricity base rate for industry. Businesspeople declared PLN has been mistaken in implementing amount of electricity rate for industry base on business negotiation. In Act No.15/1985 on electricity is not known the term of negotiation. The Act stated electricity as an energy is widely utilized to the people welfare. If PLN decides the rate increase by one-sided, the industry will refuse and submit open claim to the PLN and government. He stated industry is aware on the PLN that wants to increase the electricity base rate since the cost production climbs due to the increase of the world oil price. However, if must increase electricity rate, it is not fair all burdens offered to industry. Businesspeople will be bankrupt.
Meanwhile, chairman of Permanent Committee for Fiscal and Monetary at Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said, Kadin and associations are not in the position of agree or disagree.( Source: Seputar Indonesia).

Make analysis of the sentence of the article and translated according to existing rules.

Farady Law’s

Farady, pondering on these facts wondered whether a current flowing in a circuit might not in the same way induce another current in a near by circuit.
When an electrified body, say a piece of amber, is brought near an un-electrified body, the forces from the former body separate out the two kinds of electricity in the latter, the further parts becoming charged with electricity of the same sign as that on the amber, and the nearer parts with electricity of the opposite sign; this is why rubbed amber attracts light pieces of paper, or needle of  an electroscope.
a.     Make analysis of the sentence of the article and translated according to existing rules.
b.    Make a summary of the above article in English

(Reading Skills and Vocab)
Advantages of Pineapple Leaf Fiber

          In developing countries. There is a different approach to deal with organic waste. In fact, the word “waste” is often an inappropriate term for organic matter, which is often put to good use. The economies of most developing countries dictates that materials and resources must be used to their full potential, and this has propagated a culture of reuse, repair and recycling. In many developing countries there exists a whole sector of recyclers, scavengers and collectors, whose business is to salvage ‘waste’ material and reclaim it for further use. 
In Indonesia, at least 150 jam and juice industry exist, 123 industries are involved in processing. One of the commonly used fruits Pineapple. From each pineapple fruit, only 52% is used for jam and juice production. Remaining 48% consist of fruit peel and leaves forming the waste. These waste are rich in lignin and cellulose and thus from a very good raw material for allied fibers. Also, waste disposal is a major problem in these industries because of very high lignin and cellulose content of the waste leaves which is difficult to be degraded, thus resulting in pollution and affecting the environment.The available, traditional methods of fiber extraction involve the processes viz; retting, decortications, combing etc., which takes 5 – 7 days. During decortications, it is difficult to extract the fibers as they are sticky, due to the presence of pith thus necessasiating the use of chemicals which is not eco-safe. Thus, there is an urgent need  for development of eco-friendly, cost effective technology.
          There are different approaches to recycle the pineapple leaf wastes and  substitutes for cotton and artificial fiber production without harming the environment with the following objectives.To produce silky white fiber from pineapple waste using biotechnological approach.
To compare the biotechnologically produce fibers with the commercially available/natural fibers for its qualities.To curtail the disposal problems of pineapple processing industrial waste.

a.     Vocabulary:Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: Available (   ); traditional (   ); extraction (     ); viz (      ); urgent (     ); harming (          ); cost effective (      ); curtail (      ); blending (   ); rapid (       ); Silky (  ); disposal (    ); substitutes (  ); artificial (   ); commercially(   ); approach (   ).

b.    Make analysis of the sentence of the article and translated according to existing rules.

Pertemuan at ship, Titanic, sailed  for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was carrying 1316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen water tight compartments. Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remember, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.
          Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the ice waters of  the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted  by a look-out. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned  just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling  sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen water tight compartments had already been flood !.
The order to abandon  ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the ice water. As there  were not enough life-boats for every- body, 1,500 lives were lost.
Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: colossal (    ); regarded (      ); compartments (   ); flooded (    );avoid (  ); narrowly (      ); plunged (     ); abandon(      ); liner (      ); voyage (     )

Make a summary of the above article in English

Pertemuan 9
Batik Dyeing

                The resist-dyeing process, whereby designs are made with wax on a fabric which is subsequently immersed in a dyed to absorb the colour on the un-waxed portions, is known as batik dyeing. It has been done in the Orient, notably India and to some extent in Japan, for many centuries. However, it is on the island of Java in Indonesia where the term “batik” originated and where high technical artistic skill of batik print really developed. Originally limited to execution by noblewomen, the technique is now a flourishing industry, particularly as a cottage industry where natives do batik dyeing in their small houses.
          There are the methods. The technically more difficult and more artistic designs are drawn by hand. The patterns are generally in geometric, floral, bird or animal motifs, but the artist’s imagination may introduce other fanciful designs. The motif is drawn on cotton cambric. Then melted wax mixed with a resin is traced on the areas not to be dyed with a “canting”, which is a small instrument made of a short, straight reed handle to which is attached a small, funnel-shape copper cup with one or more spouts.
When the canting is refilled by scooping the hot, liquid wax from a copper pan kept over of burner, the worker blows into the spout to eliminate any blockage and allow  to flow. The application of the wax must be done on both sides of the fabric. This hand method of making the design is a slow process, which may take as long as one month to produce 2,5 yards (2,3 metre). When an artist makes  a large, individual picture which may be used for such purpose as wall hangings, it may take six months to one year to complete.
          The faster method of designing is done with a “cap”, or stamp, of a pattern made of fine copper strips soldered together. The cap is pressed onto a pad of cloth saturated with liquid wax. The wax picked up by the stamp is then applied to the cambric. The design may be intricate, but it is repetitious and limited in artistic quality. However, about 25 to 40 yards (20 – 36 metre) of cloth can be printed in one day.
Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: immersed(       ), dyed(      ), execution (     ), flourishing (     ), cottage (     ),small houses (     ), motifs, (     ),  wax(     ), scooping(     ), scooping(   ), cambric(    ).
Make analysis of the sentence of the article and translated according to existing rules.

Pertemuan 10

Higher education institutions, as key agents for change, play very important roles in producing human resources required for fulfilling the demand of global world. This emphasizes on the importance of understanding cross-cultural interactions and they are challenged how to equip students to be member of global society having global perspectives.
Fostering international collaboration is becoming an urgent requirement for each education institution. At technical level, it could be define, among others as scholarly exchange and research collaboration. Execution of these activities requires pre-conditioning on education systems including leadership, curriculum and administrative structure, which could vary depending on the local condition and competitiveness.
The significance of cross-cultural understanding and variation in institutions, re-structuring for international education leads to the importance of intensive communication and in-depth discussion among collaborative partners. These are urgently required for developing mutual and beneficial partnership, and at the same time keeping the partnership sustain. Industries and corporate enterprises and other stakeholders including government and local and international community have very significant roles in developing fruitful collaboration.
            Currently, a strong, dynamic and efficient higher education system is crucial. The accomplishment of a better higher education system is pursued through an integrated and recursive activities in several strategic areas, as mentioned in the master plan of the Textile Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia namely:
·        Excelent academic processes to produce graduates that meet standard academic qualification and required capabilities.
·        Application of results of engineering education and researches for the welfare of the community.
Improvement of the quality of academic processes and research environment is made possible using feedback from external parties to whom Textile Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia interacts and collaborates (i.e. textile industries, other research and higher educational institutions, government).
In this working paper, we will explain the existing in Textile Engineering Islamic University of Indonesia, the issues to be addresses related with the plan of TT-UII –UoB collaborative project, possible collaborative activities and the resource that TT – IUI can contribute toward that and plan of implementation.
Since 1975, the Department of Textile Engineering has been offering undergraduate courses in textile, as well as conducting significant research programs in many fields. Graduates in Textile Engineering have found ready employment in the Indonesian textile industry, government, research institution, bussines and others.
            The goal of the Textile Engineering Department is to educate and train the students to meet the needs of the textile industry and to contribute to the advancement of engineering and science in the field. The outcome is competent, responsible and productive citizens who contribute to the well being of the society. Textiles are truly multi-disciplinary. The size and diversity of textiles and allied industries provide careers in manufacturing, research and development, machinery and engineering design, chemicals and dyestuffs, management, sales, technical services and others. The student may also prepare for graduate study. For student who want to plan their educational path in conjunction with industrial experience, the Cooperative Education Program provides opportunities. In cooperation with the Engineering Experiment Station and other segments of the university, the department serves textiles through of its facilities.
          The curriculum in Textile Engineering offers study in basic engineering. It prepares students for a variety of engineering positions in the polymer, fiber, textile and apparel industries, as well as in other engineering fields where high performance industrial textile are produced or used such as filtration, architecture and construction, medicine, the paper industry, safe and protection, transfortation, electronics, agriculture, military and defence, sports and recreation. Textile Engineering courses teach students the lates  engineering and science principles. The design aspect of textile engineering is incorporated in the courses throughout the curriculum starting with the first semester of the sophomore year. In addition, student reinforce their specific learning skills with a required senior design project which is spread over a year for in-depth research, design and development of specific and real materials, products and processes for the textile industry. Courses present real world applications without sacrificing conceptual and theoretical bases. The curriculum involves classroom and laboratory work and offers opportunities for extracurricular activities to prepare graduates to meet the demands of a career in the present and future engineering workplace and be able to assume a responsible place of leadership in a complex technological society. The Textile Engineering curriculum is kept upto-date to meet the challenges of the present and future industry needs.
Same possible collaboration between UII and UoB will be briefly explored. The working paper is devided into three parts related the proposed area of collaboration, namely:
·        Student exchange program
·        Academic staff exchange program (within postgraduate program)
·        Joint research.

Make a summary of the above article in English

Pertemuan 11

Advantages of Pineapple Fiber
By: astoyo

            In developing countries. There is a different approach to deal with organic waste. In fact, the word “waste” is often an inappropriate term for organic matter, which is often put to good use. The economies of most developing countries dictates that materials and resources must be used to their full potential, and this has propagated a culture of reuse, repair and recycling. In many developing countries there exists a whole sector of recyclers, scavengers and collectors, whose business is to salvage ‘waste’ material and reclaim it for further use. 
In Indonesia, at least 150 jam and juice industry exist, 123 industries are involved in processing. One of the commonly used fruits Pineapple. From each pineapple fruit, only 52% is used for jam and juice production. Remaining 48% consist of fruit peel and leaves forming the waste. These waste are rich in lignin and cellulose and thus from a very good raw material for allied fibers. Also, waste disposal is a major problem in these industries because of very high lignin and cellulose content of the waste leaves which is difficult to be degraded, thus resulting in pollution and affecting the environment.
            The available, traditional methods of fiber extraction involve the processes viz; retting, decortications, combing etc., which takes 5 – 7 days. During decortications, it is difficult to extract the fibers as they are sticky, due to the presence of pith thus necessasiating the use of chemicals which is not eco-safe. Thus, there is an urgent need  for development of eco-friendly, cost effective technology.
            There are different approaches to recycle the pineapple leaf wastes and  substitutes for cotton and artificial fiber production without harming the environment with the following objectives.
·        To produce silky white fiber from pineapple waste using biotechnological approach.
·        To compare the biotechnologically produce fibers with the commercially available/natural fibers for its qualities.
·        To curtail the disposal problems of pineapple processing industrial waste.
·        To minimize the use of forest resources by using non woody resources like organic waste.
·        Biotechnological engineering of waste to fiber.

·        Can be added with other allied fibers to improve their quality and application.
·        Zero waste management.
·        Eco-safe and rapid technology.
·        Employment opportunity for rural population.
·        Abundantly and cheaper in Indonesia.

Expected outcome:
·        Composite materials with special characteristics, namely light in weight and good mechanical properties.
·        Potential as  reinforcement materials and another industrial manufacturing materials viz; vechicle industry and military equipments.
·        For textile industry with fine quality fibers and good quality of fabrics

Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage:

Available (        ); traditional (     ); extraction (     ); viz (      ); urgent (     ); harming (          ); cost effective (      ); curtail (      ); blending (       ); rapid (       ).

Make analysis of the sentence of the article and translated according to existing rules.

Pertemuan 12
Contoh surat meminta informasi belajar diluar negeri

The Director
Administration Office
The University of New South Wales
Kengsington, 2233, Sydney

Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to apply for a place on your Master course in Bio-textile composite. I should be grateful if you would send me a graduate catalogue of your university and relevant information.
Thanking you in advance  for your kind assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Fajar A S

Meminta informasi serta formulir pendaftaran post doctoral

The Director
Administration Office
Borros University ,

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am going to graduate from Islamic University of Indonesia where I have been taking the BSc honours’ in Chemical and Textile Engineering. I should like to study for a higher degree (Master or PhD) in Bio-composite, preferably with natural fibers and characterization.
Would you kindly let me know whether this would be possible at your university and, if so, please send me the appropriate application forms together with information on the type of course offered.

Sincerely Yours,

Fajar A S

Aplikasi memperoleh beasiswa

15 December 2011

Dr. Patrick(Sir/Madam)
The Rockefeller Foundation
111 West 50th Street
New York 20, N.Y.

Dear Dr. Patrick(Sir/Madam)
Last week, I Received a letter from Prof. Nigel of New York University. In the letter he stated that he is willing to accept me as a visiting research fellow in his laboratory if I am granted a fellowship by the Rockefeller Foundation. He also told me that laboratory space will be available from this February 2011.
Since I am eager to go and work in Prof. Nigel’s laboratory, I wish to apply for a fellowship of the Rockefeller Foundation. Would you please send me an application form and any details you may have concerning such fellowships.
Thank you in advance for your help.

Yours sincerely,
 Fajar A S
Department of Chemical and Textile Engineering
cc. Supervisor/Senior Lecturer

Ungkapan-ungkapan pembuka yang dapat dipakai dalam surat pengantar beasiswa:
·        I graduated from Department of Chemical and Textile Engineering in Islamic University of Indonesia Jogjakarta.
·        I Joined The Islamic University of Indonesia for a BSc degree in pure bio-composite.
·        I gained my initial training in bio-composite and then went on to study on smart materials.
Ungkapan untuk keinginan:
·        My main interest is in the field of bio-composite, particularly in natural composite.
·        For the past 3 years I have been working on natural fibers for composite materials. Now I should like to study on smart materials, as well as its applications to military.
Alasan belajar ke Luar Negeri:
·        I wish to study the preparation of natural fibers in this case bio-composite for environmental applications and military. This requires a thorough knowledge of dip molding techniques, which is unable to obtain in my own laboratory.
·        In order to develop my research further I need intensive training in bio-composite engineering. Limited facilities are available in my laboratory, the equipment is less sophisticated than that in common use in Indonesia.
·        I feel that I shall benefit from the opportunity to learn advanced techniques as well as from the academic stimulus afforded by exposure to a different school of scientific thought.

Pertemuan 13
American Journal of Applied Sciences 
ISSN 1546-9239
© 2010 Science Publications

Noise Control Using Coconut Coir Fiber Sound Absorber
with Porous Layer Backing and Perforated Panel

Asmanto Subagyo,Department of Chemical and Textile Engineering
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Islamic University of Indonesia
Jl.Kaliurang km. 14.4, Yogjakarta,55501 Indonesia


Problem statement:  Noise control was one of the major requirements to improve the living environment.  One  of  the  methods  to  do  that  is  provided  by  sound  absorber.  Commonly,  multi-layer sound  absorbers  are  applied  to  absorb  broadband  noise  that  was  composed  of  perforated  plates,  air space  and  porous  material.  However,  multi-layers  sound  absorbers  effectiveness  depends  on  their construction. This study was conducted to investigate the potential of using coconut coir fiber as sound absorber. The effects of porous layer backing and perforated plate on sound absorption coefficient of sound  absorber  using  coconut  coir  fiber  were  studied. Approach:  Car  boot  liners  made  from  woven cotton  cloth  were  used  as  type  of  porous  layer  in  the  study.  This  material  has  been  used  widely  in automotive industry. Perforated plate used was machined with perforation ratio of 0.20, thickness of 1  mm  and  holed  diameter  of  2  mm.  The  samples  were  tested  at  the  acoustic  lab  of  the  Faculty  of Civil Engineering and Planning, Islamic University of  Indonesia, according to ASTM E 1050-04 international  standards  for  noise  absorption  coefficient.  Results:  The  experiment  data  indicates  that porous  layer  backing  can  improve  noise  absorption  coefficient  at  low  and  high  frequencies  with significant increasing. 20 mm thick layer coconut coir fiber with porous layer backing exhibit peak value at frequencies between 2750-2830 Hz with maximum value of 0.97. The experimental results also found that the coconut coir fiber with perforated plate gives higher value for lower frequencies range from 500-
2400  Hz.  The  optimum  value  for  coconut  coir  fiber  with  perforated  panel  is  around  0.94-0.95  for  the frequency  range  2500-2700  Hz.  Conclusion:  Noise  absorption  coefficient  of  coconut  coir  fiber  was increased at all frequency when they were backing with Woven Cotton Cloth (WCC). At low frequency, the NAC have significant increasing. This is because WCC have higher flow resistivity than coconut coir fibers, so that sound can be dissipated as it travels through material significantly. The results from the  experimental  tests  show  that  it  has  good  acoustic  properties  at  low  and  high  frequencies  and  can used to be an alternative replacement of synthetic based commercial product. By using the porous layer and perforated plate backing to coconut coir fiber, the sound absorber panel shows a good potential to be  an  environmentally  friendly  product.  This  innovative  sound  absorption  panel  has  a  bright  future because  they  are  cheaper,  lighter  and  environmentally  compare  to  glass  fiber  and  mineral  based synthetic materials.

Key words: Noise absorption coefficient, coconut coir fiber, porous layer, perforated plate, sound absorption

Pertemuan 14
Listening and Reading

Nike coming clean about sweatshops

          Nike is finally coming clean over its infamous and dubious labor practices after years of allegations that it exploits workers, many of whom have been alleged to be children. The company has made available on its website* an unprecedented and detailed 108-page report of the 705 worldwide factories that produce its footwear and clothing. The document details things from factory locations, working conditions of its 650,000 employees and abuses of those workers. Just over half of Nike’s Asian employees work more than sixty hours a week; up to fifty per cent have restricted access to toilets and drinking water and work seven days a week; and a quarter of workers receive less than the legal minimum wage, despite Nike’s huge profit margins.
The release of the report, conducted by the independent Fair Labor Association, is welcome news for human rights activists who have continually investigated, exposed and embarrassed Nike for its sweatshop practices. Releasing the document now means Nike’s factories can be independently monitored to provide better working conditions for its long-suffering employees. Michael Posner, executive director of Human Rights First, hailed the report as “an important step forward” and praised Nike for its transparency. But he added: “The facts on the ground suggest there are still enormous problems with these supply chains and factories.” He asked the important question: “What is Nike doing to change the picture and give workers more rights?”

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