Perpustakaan Ibnul Qoyyim Putra

Perpustakaan Ibnul Qoyyim Putra
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Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

exercise Rebutlle and argument

I.         Rebut the arguments bellow

1.        THW allow gun ownership for people

Citizens who have completed gun courses and have obtained a license, which includes a background check, should be allowed to carry guns on their person whenever they are not in a courthouse, post office, police station, town hall, and any other town government buildings. It is their constitutional right to bear arms. Guns are available so that the people of this country can protect their families, themselves and their property. In an ideal world, there would be no black market trade and smuggling of weapons. In an ideal world, why, you wouldn’t need a weapon for anything because everyone would follow the rules and leave each other in peace. That is a fantasy. That world does not exist. This is the world we live in and we need to take appropriate measures to keep ourselves safe.

2.        THW ban woman to drive a car
Common issue : Saudi Arabia government ban woman to drive a car

Woman is a kind of weak individual with her hearth-thinking, charitable, and her special characteristic that need to be protected by others. There are many ways to protect woman, we can find rule about violating woman that stand by the government. In this case (ban driving) government tries to protect the woman from violating. An example here, when the woman is allowed to drive a car and she becomes a taxi driver, then the passenger of the taxi is a bad guy. I think you can imagine what will happen next, of course it will be a violence there. A woman-driver which is alone in their taxi, no protection from other guy or government will be easy to get a violation. Based on that case the government wants to solve that problem by banning woman to drive a car. Also it can decrease the number of woman violation claims that come up nowadays.

I.         Choose two of the motion and give your argument to stand the motion based on you agree or disagree with that motion!

1.    This House would ban videogames in which the player engages in brutal and immoral violence in a realistic setting.
2.    This House would provide welfare in the form of basic goods and services, rather than cash payments.
3.    This house would ban black people to play football at international match to protect them from racism

Vocabs :
Engage : menyertakan
Welfare : kesejahteraan
Payment : pembayaran
Racism : rasisme
Ban : melarang
Obtain : memperoleh

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